Sunday, May 9, 2010

Crones Pull in to Ojai!

We skirted the edge of the Mojave Desert on our route, I40 to Barstow to I15. We shared the road with truckers and drove long stretches of open road all alone. Guzzling our last few last few bottles of water we stopped in Grand Terrace to visit Michael and Cindy Allen, John's brother and his wife. After knocking Michael to the ground on our way to the bathroom, we chatted with these two, a landscaper and kindergarten teacher extraordinaire respectively,  both avidly anticipating retirement in a few weeks. Cindy and Virginia traded teacher stories and compared Cindy's  'California Compassion' laid back approach with Virginia's New Jersey Italian "Break Their Kneecaps Early and Often, the Little Bastards" methods. Fortunately, Cindy only has a few weeks left so its unlikely any Grand Terrace kindergartners will end up in cement overshoes swimming with the fishes. Cindy is our newest Crone recruit and definitely likes the idea of joining Crones on Wheels for some future trips. Virginia and I practiced our meditation energy while in the L.A. vicinity traffic and didn't freak out at all when we witnessed one slow down that was due to the cops giving a gentleman the 'Walk a Straight Line' test on the shoulder. Let's just say this fellow's eyes were spinning in opposite directions. We decided not to try for a photo of that.
Then it was on to Trader Joe's in Ventura to stock up on some provisions. We decided on homemade pizza and salad, and of course, a glass of wine. It is so great to be in Ojai, spring flowers are blooming everywhere and the gardens are exploding. We were greeted by the sight of my artichoke plant, fully fruiting and crazy large. We decided to hell with a restaurant for Mother's Day, we're going to steam up a bunch of these babies and make some raviolis. We're off to the Farmer's Market now. We'll write more about our adventures for the rest of Virginia's visit, which ends on Wednesday. See more pics on Facebook!


  1. Hilarious posting. It was great seeing you. You are having a wonderful adventure.

  2. Happy Mother's Day to all! Artichokes sound great, and you can't get any more local than the backyard! I hope the rest of Virginia's visit is as memorable (although your trip seems pretty hard to beat) and enjoy the hot tub under the stars. Thanks for sharing your adventures.
